The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Fractal Properties and Cognitive Ecological effects in Space Design - Focused on Landscape Pattern -
Authors 김주미
Page pp.120-130
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Fractals ; Landscape Pattern ; Cognitive Ecology ; Cognitive Effects
Abstract The purpose of this study is to propose cognitive ecological effects of fractal patterns in space design. This study investigated the perception and cognition problems regarding landscape patterns showing fractal properties from the cognitive perspective instead of the traditional speculative approach. In particular, the researcher has verified that fractal geometry theory and fractal pattern concept provide insight in space aesthetic values and cognitive effects. Research results are as follows. First, most environmentally-friendly fractal urban forms provide cognitive connectivity. In particular, this space provides a positive emotional response and preference to humans and displays self-organized complexity. This study found that such complexity of space form has characteristics corresponding to parallel cognitive structures of the human brain. Simultaneously, the researcher suggests that the fractal landscape pattern is an alternative for stiff and homogenized modern space. Second, fractal patterns provide hierarchical connectivity within the brain through continuous difference and repetition. In particular, self-similarities of fractal patterns administer significant visual grouping and coherence in human perception. It can be determined whether scaling coherence facilitates easier organization in cognitive organization. Third, fractal patterns in space design provide the basic method for achieving the connection between concept, construction, and urban factors. As a result, the researcher has suggested that scale distribution of geometrical factors, such as fractal patterns, an be a design method to connect various space typologies.