The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Change of Spatial Concept in Expo Pavilions - Focus on the Space Communication with Shanghai Expo Exhibition Theme -
Authors 김경진 ; 이경진
Page pp.33-40
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Expo ; Pavilion ; Exhibition Theme ; Communication
Abstract The World exposition is considered as a great event to promote the cultural exchanges of their own urbanism and share the technological developments among the various countries across the all over the world. So many countries in the world desired to host and take part in the EXPO, so far only few countries have had the chance to hold the event and show their uniqueness of urban culture. but we might say the past exhibition as those for display and publication of matters of science, technology and trade, now we must say expositions of the 21th century has come under variations on cultural and informational interchange and humanism from the global issue and problem. What makes possible to maximize the effort of reciprocal communication between people and the public can be the EXPO event as a means of the public information of the theme and this kind of event should suggest the public a message of the topic, message, image and even more the EXPO spirits and theme as an international event gives as much considerably spreading effect as its big scale. In that aspect, the pavilion for the exhibition of EXPO and public information should be recognized as a place for smoothly forming the activities of reciprocal communication between the society and the public. with such a aspect this study, as its purpose of improving as well as communication, concerns the process in projecting the space paradigm of pavilion in the EXPO and public message and information as a means of the communication of the global theme.