The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Reconciliation of Observation Data of Interior Space and Feasibility of its Analysis Process
Authors 김종하
Page pp.135-142
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Interior Space ; Perception-Congnition ; Visual Judgment ; Observation time ; Reconciliation
Abstract There occurs subtle shaking in our eyes while in looking at objects and this study sets up the standard of reconciliation from the property of observation and organizes the property of data reconciliation by the observation range to secure the feasibility of reconciliation range and method of the original data obtained from observation experiment and its analysis process. The results from above study can be concluded as in the followings: First, it made clear the process to exclude eye blink and data out of image range from the original data so to set up the range of available data. Second, on the basis of existing theory, it was possible to define the minimum attention time as 0.1 second (3 times of observation) and the visual understanding time of space as 0.3 second (9 times of observation) in the study on the property of observation, and this definition of observation time of sight fixation becomes an important indicator in the analysis of observation data. Third, based on the observation theory of continuity securing and attention, it was able to arrange the standard of reconciliation by carrying out reconciliation works only when fixed data with more than three times of observation showed consecutively before and behind the data with intermittent movements. Fourth, In the sector whether visual understanding occurred (more than 9 times), it increased by 12% for the frequency of observation and by 7.8% for the times of observation compared with the ones before the reconciliation. These results showed to have a constant change by subjects so that it was able to arrange a foundation to secure objective data in the analysis of the observation range and its extent.