The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Characteristics of Observation Time Found in Image Evaluation of Interior Space - Focusing on Acquisition of Spatial Information by Interior Space Types -
Authors 최주영 ; 김주현 ; 김종하 ; 이정호
Page pp.96-104
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Interior space type ; Memory ; Observation time ; Information acquisition ; Design elements
Abstract Assuming that different spatial types involves the change of observation time to acquire the spatial information, this study intended to analyze the observation time by interior space types and derive the proper time for spatial evaluation. Coming to the study method, in order to analyze the characteristics of observation time in the image evaluation of interior space by types, it looked into the observation time chosen by the testees during evaluation. The findings of this study are as follows: First, the observation time differed by genders and spatial types: men’s average time was longest for modern (93.3 sec.) and natural (89.4 sec.) spaces; women’s average time was longest for classic space (110.7 sec.), which was the shortest for men. Second, the intensity of observation time zone differed by spatial types: this finding can imply that different design types require different establishment of observation time for evaluation even if the spatial elements are the same. Third, analyzing the distribution of time zones chosen by most testees showed that men’s observation time zones were more intensely distributed than those of women. Fourthly, the observation time for general space could be derived from the gender-based comparison that excluded the difference by types, but considering that different design types lead to different observation time, it could be seen as proper for evaluation of interior space to establish the difference of observation time by spatial types. Finally, Analysis showed the highest preference to the time '③'. However, obtaining information presented is the most highly effective time is '⑥'. Thus, the preferred time zone is different and effective, according to the results of the analysis.