The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Study on the Analysis of the Rate of Information Acquisition and the Observation Time shown at the Observation of Interior Space
Authors 최주영 ; 김주현 ; 최계영 ; 이정호 ; 김종하
Page pp.183-191
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Interior space type ; Observation time ; Information acquisition ; Design element
Abstract This study is to set up the appropriate range of observation time through contemplating the characteristics of observation time run for the information acquisition of space. The conclusions reached through this study are as the followings. First, this study could find out that even though the evaluation elements on the three types for image evaluation were the same, the information acquisitions were different as those types varied. On the other hand, the change of the average run-time by type for the information acquisition was found not to be big, in other words, even though the run-time was alike, the information acquisitions varied depending on the type. Second, he evaluation by language media showed the average value by element had the order of [shape> position>number>existence] and the range of their run-time was 94.6∼102.9 seconds. The average rate of information acquisition shown at the visual media had the order of [composition>shape>material&color] and the range of run-time was 93.1∼99.7 seconds. Third, the evaluation by language media showed that for male subjects the range of information acquisition rate was 39.1∼91.4% and that of run-time 85.1∼106.0 seconds and for female ones 46.0∼94.6% and 96.3∼112.3 seconds respectively. In case of the visual media, male subjects showed the range of information acquisition rate was 40.3-66.7% and the range of run-time 82.4∼97.9 seconds and the female ones, 42.2∼71.0% and 94.0∼115.1 seconds respectively, through which we could see that at the evaluation by language media and visual media both the female's range of information acquisition and that of observation time were higher than the male's.