The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Characteristics of Colors Used for Apartment Model Houses - Focused on Living Rooms of Medium Size Houses(100-165m2) Built in Metropolitan Area in the late 2000s -
Authors 최진희 ; 정유나
Page pp.244-253
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Model House ; Using color Analysis ; Dwelling space ; Apartment Brand
Abstract Due to the development of modern society, desire for residence is not merely for the purpose of habitation. It's also used to represent the joy of living, the resident's emotional expressions, and social status. In order to express such desires, one of the most important factors used to portray them visually is the usage of color. When apartments are constructed, model houses are created to show potential tenants a sample house. The color scheme of those sample houses have been changed in accordance to the transition in the eras. Since 2000, construction companies have created their own apartment brand in order to create their own signature image. To achieve this signature image, one can alter the surface level and use other materials, and colors. I have researched the usage of colors out of the above. The criteria that need to be fulfilled to be a subject for my research are in the top 5 construction companies of the year 2010, within the metropolitan area, and open after 2009. As the result, all construction companies used colors Y and YR. An as accent colors on props such furniture and curtains, they used colors P, PB, and R. They were differences in color tones in each construction company and as the square footage increase, they used color contrasts. Hillstate and Raemian used darker shades in the larger houses. But the color tones YR and Y were used in all houses regardless of their size. E-world, Xi, and Prugio showed differences in shade and tone of colors regardless of size but rather depending on the locations of the apartments.