The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Harmonizing the Method of Environmental Color Based on Nuance Concept of Natural Color System
Authors 김주미
Page pp.40-50
ISSN 12297992
Keywords NCS(Natural Color System) ; Environmental Color ; Color Harmony ; Nuance ; Similarity & Difference
Abstract This study aims at suggesting the applicability of color combination based upon the characteristics of environmental color perception and the nuance concept of Natural Color System(NCS). The results are summarized below: First, NCS is a scientific coloring system in consideration of the relevance between people, light and environment, to be based on a phenomenological point of view. NCS can be called a psychometric model reflecting our natural color sense. Second, the color triangle established by NCS is one of the methods of expression based on the human visual mechanism, which is classified by two attributes of hue and nuance, not by the three color attributes of hue, lightness and saturation. The nuance concept of NCS implies the impression, atmosphere and tone that are perceived in colors, which are related to lightness and saturation. Accordingly, this paper suggests that the coloring arrangement emphasizing nuance and tone is more useful than hue in color planning. Third, aesthetic impression in environmental color perception is inclusive of instantly perceptive nuance, which is connected with affordance. The affordance is revealed by the different relation of similarity. In this regard, a strong relationship is noticed between color combination and the sense of pleasantness. The hypothesis regarding the complementation and similarity of contrasting nature is judged to provide observers with aesthetic order. Finally, this paper also suggests four harmonizing methods in the NCS color triangle based upon equal blackness, equal whiteness, equal chromaticness and same nuance. At the same time, opposition and a different concept of hue, lightness and lightness are combined complementarily with the nuance value to suggest patterns of color combination.