The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A study on the Estimation of Observation amount and the Analysis of observation characteristics depending on the change of observation degree In Housing Space
Authors 반영선 ; 김종하
Page pp.95-102
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Eye Fixation ; Observation Amount ; Concentraiton ; Conscious Observation ; Visual Understanding
Abstract This study analyzed the observation characteristics with the subject of observation data through defining the change of the observation degree as attention /conscious observation /visual understanding. Furthermore, by obtaining the formular with which to estimate the subjects' observation amount, this study suggests a potential method for easier analysis of observation characteristics. The conclusions from the study are as the followings. First, the observation frequency was being generated with wide deviation among subjects while there was a flow-on characteristics depending on the degree of observation. These characteristics enabled the study to obtain the formular with which to estimate the observation amount. Second, the study could establish the area frequency by grade from the entire observation data. The area I was at most 4% for the area frequency but accounted for 18.2% of the entire effective observation time, and the area II 16% and 38.7% respectively. Accordingly, only considering the observation area distribution of the area I or the areas I and II shows which position of the space the subjects were observing. Third, with the subject of the relatively higher observation time at at the subject's observation characteristics, as the observation phase was getting higher, the observation time decreased more. Forth, by obtaining the formular to estimate the observation amount for observation data according to the change of observation degree, the study could find the estimating observation characteristics of additional subjects. The formular shortens the analysis time and facilitates the analysis process.