The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Improvement in Spatial Planning of Orphanage Facilities
Authors 유명희
Page pp.228-239
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Normalization ; Improvement in dwelling ; Opening to the local community ; Multifunctionality
Abstract This study aims to propose the improvement direction of spatial organization of orphanage facilities by reflecting the international trend of child welfare facilities including ‘enhancement of habitability’, ‘opening to the local community’ and ‘multi-functionality’ on the basis of ideas of ‘right of housing’ and ‘normalization’. Orphanage facilities are evolving from ‘facilities’ to accommodate unfortunate children to the concept of the ‘community-care’, and the residential space is also rapidly shifting to ‘cottage’ type resembling a residential type of ordinary family so as to enhance the self-esteem and relationship. To suggest the future-oriented changeability of current orphanage facilities, the present study conducted a nationwide survey of child welfare facilities and four visiting researches of cottage type orphanage with different locations to investigate the appropriateness of housing type, organization of common use space, mode of management and facilities criteria. The results of this study are following: 1) For enhancement of habitability it is suggested that cottage type with various plans in the form of ordinary housing is appropriate, that the number of children per cottage is six or so, and that the number of less than two or three children per room is recommended. At the same time the adjustment of facilities criteria, simplified or complex, is suggested to support a similar residence pattern to ordinary home. 2) Specialized programs must be introduced to establish a base of welfare-network for community children according to features of location and a complex management must be sought in the connection with neighboring public facilities. 3) To secure the residential environment and quality of life for children, the concept of a simple playground space by the current facilities criteria must be broken away to reinforce the network of various outdoor spaces closely connected with living space.