The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Study of SPA Brand Spacial Expression Applied to Experience Marketing - Focused on Flagship Stores in Myungdong -
Authors 우예슬 ; 김개천
Page pp.123-132
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Experiential Marketing ; SPA Brand ; Expressional Characteristics
Abstract In the trend of concentrating on the consumer driven experience market as a new marketing concept according to the improvement of life standard and the change of consummation pattern, SPA brand has applied experience marketing strategies to the market successfully to be grown constantly with consumer secure and production of business benefit through brand image and positive consumer attraction. Therefore, this study aims to research the experiential representation element and attribute in the competitive Global SPA brand space due to the sustainable growth from the recent domestic fashion market based on the strategy type of the experiential marketing. Thus, the experiential marketing strategy type was drawn based on the experiential marketing and the theoretical reflections of Global SPA brand, and the SPA brand space was classified depending on the attribute of the commercial space for making the framework of case analysis, so it was progressed as the method of analysis through the experiential representation attribute in the SPA brand space. The marketing strategy and representation for advertising the image of company and product message by the SPA brand should be planned, so successful application of the experiential marketing to the shop is connected to the corporate interests, and forming the meaning more than space by impressing on the consumers the brand and arousing the emotional experience of the consumers and meeting the consumers’ a variety of needs had effects on forming a lasting relationship between the brand and consumers. Therefore, this study is expected to be an opportunity to vitalize the domestic SPA brand behind the competition with the Global SPA brand.