The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the status and the necessity of Space Configuration and Exhibit Method for Safety Experience Hall - Focused on Citizen Safety Experience Hall for the adult education center -
Authors 이영화(Li, Ying-Hua) ; 한혜련
Page pp.144-153
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Citizen Safety Experience Hall ; Experience exhibition ; Experience Spatial Construction ; Exhibition Method
Abstract This study analyzed and investigated problems of local safety experience halls’ spatial structure and media status. Improvements would be suggested after comprehending the need to execute safety education based on citizen’s satisfaction and requests. Contents of safety experience space concept, display characteristics and types applied to local institution were analyzed. Safety experience centers with systemized protocols that opened after 2003 and were bigger than 5,000㎡ were selected. We had three candidates and they were Seoul Gwangnaru Safety Experience Center, Boramea Safety Experience Center and Daegu Safety Theme Park. Going through checklists and interviewing official institutions that were in charge of safety hall educations helped comprehension of sample space status and detailed experimental presentation media. A survey was created based on this study and was distributed to users and non-users of safety experience halls. The survey consisted of general questions covering situations, awareness, level of interests, frequency and satisfaction level. The results were extracted with SPSS 18.0 through frequency analysis and cross tabulations. This research improvements through synthesized contemplation. For the resuits First, various experimental programs need to be supplemented in order to prevent accidents. Second, vivid experimental spaces need to be planned for active participation and users should be fully aware of safety hazard through education. Third, there weren’t enough institutions compared to the education needs. Promoting and building more safety experience halls are dire. Finally, these suggestions of the results will be distributed in the planning of the exhibit hall.