The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title An Environment-friendly Analysis of Hong-kong Environment-friendly Reuse Space
Authors 김사라 ; 남경숙
Page pp.194-202
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Environment-friendly ; Reuse Space ; Hong-kong Interior Space ; Environment-friendly certification system
Abstract The purpose of this study is to extract environment-friendly planning elements to apply in Korea by putting together and reclassifying four foreign environment-friendly certification systems related to regeneration spaces - LEED in USA, CASBEE in Japan, BREEAM in England and BEAM in Hong Kong - and analyze and evaluate domestic and foreign spaces which were certified as Environment-friendly spaces in order to offer plan guidelines to raise awareness of the importance of environment-friendly elements in regeneration spaces and to encourage them. The concept and the characteristics of green building were studied through documentary survey. In addition, green certification system of the present domestic new spaces and foreign regeneration spaces was studied and assessment tools for indoor regenerated spaces-related green certification system were developed. With checklists which are developed in this study, level of going green of foreign spaces certified environment-friendly was assessed. Based on the results of this study, conclusions are as follows. As a result of case research of spaces-certified green of Hong-Kong's existing buildings with a developed checklist, application of general assessment part was all alike, but that of detailed assessment part was different. However, Hong Kong showed superiority in lighting energy saving, separate collection of recyclable domestic waste, recycling by-product and management. In addition, Hong Kong applied eco-friendly planning elements maintaining buildings in their condition as possible as it could with management, use of green program, replacement with high efficiency lighting, monitoring system, installation of recycling bins and energy saving by attaching reflective film.