The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the set-up of Time Range for Typology of Space Observation Characters
Authors 김종하 ; 정재영
Page pp.87-95
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Public space ; Eye-tracking ; Observation type ; Typology ; Concentrativeness
Abstract This study is for the analysis to which element of space the users observing the lobby at a public space pay more attention for their visual perception. It is focused on the typology process of observation characters. The subjects, in the observation process, came to be interested in the circumstantial clues for space perception and the detailed characters drawing their interest. I could analyze the observation characters of the subjects observing the space by the comprehension and typology of their observation characters. First, from the viewpoint of successive 9 times of observations, each subject observed for 0.32 second to get the visual perception in the applied space, but spent another 0.39 second for the exploration of another observation object or the space roaming. The observation character of the subjects at the lobby of the public space selected for this experiment was that they spent more time on space exploration than on concentration on a point in the space. Second, I analyzed the typology process through the time range. Since the subjects' frequency varied depending on the way to set up the time range, the necessity was proposed that the time range for the analysis of observation characters should be set up more objectively. Third, in case of analyzing the observation characters by 10-second-unit time range, the concentration in the beginning and the middle was 25%, and that in the beginning and the final 41.7%, which showed that 75% of the subjects concentrated in the beginning of the observation time when the concentration in the beginning is added to it. Fourth, the type 3 categorized as "concentration in the beginning and the middle" is the group 47.1 percent of the subjects belong to, and each subject concentrated 1.1 times in the beginning and 2.1 times in the final, which showed that the concentration in the final was 1.75 times as high as that in the beginning.