The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Case Study on Evaluation of Educational Space in point of Universal Design - Focused on a Middle and High School -
Authors 오찬옥 ; 김선영
Page pp.23-33
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Universal Design ; Middle & High School ; Educational Space ; User Evaluation
Abstract This study evaluated two educational spaces, one middle school and one high school in point of universal design. The survey method with an observation and measuring method was used. The subject were 238 students of a middle and a high school. They evaluated their schools according to 53 universal design related items which consisted of 5 principles. Findings were as follows ; 1) The width of passage between desk and desk was very narrow and there is the threshold at the door of classroom. The students evaluated them negatively, too. Also, they indicated that the size of individual locker was small and the corner of furniture was sharp. 2) The width of door and passage was narrow and the floor was not flat in restroom. The design quality such as color and finishes was not good. Also, the students evaluated all these items negatively. 3) The dining space was too big. That is, so many students takes meals in one big space. The dining tables were arranged in a long rows and the width between them was also so narrow to pass through. 4) The student of high school evaluated their educational environments more negatively than ones of middle high school. This means that the high school students were more dissatisfied with their school environment. The educational environment should be designed on the base of their students’ needs.