The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Expression of Musical Vitality at the Chapel at Ronchamp - Focusing on the Bergsonian Philosophy of Life -
Authors 김영희
Page pp.162-170
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Le Corbusier ; Chapel of Nortre Dame du Haut at Rochamp ; Henri Bergson ; Philosophy of Life ; Musical Vitality
Abstract This study aims to show the possibility of approaching artistic design through the Bergsonian concept of musical vitality by grasping the expression of his musical vitality at the Chapel at Ronchamp. For the purpose of this study, the aesthetic significance of Bergson’s philosophy of life was first contemplated, and a case study analysis was conducted on the vitality of music as temporality at the Chapel at Ronchamp. On this basis, the examples of his musical vitality as metaphysical reality at the Chapel were analyzed. The results of analysis are as follows: First, the Bergsonian vitality of music as temporality at the Chapel is expressed as a sense of movement-through the acoustic form, the modulor corresponding to the scale of the music, the opposite composition of musical changes, the fluid space of the music, and the light and shadow of counterpoint-as having been intended by Le Corbusier in the very process of design. Second, the vitality of music as Bergson’s metaphysical reality at the Chapel at Ronchamp is expressed in the image and rhythm of music created by intuitive reminiscences. The acoustic form, the form created by the modulor, the opposite form of composition, the fluid space and the light and shadow as the melody and image of music present continuous diversity as vital flow in a uniform direction. The vitality of music as aesthetical reality is imitated by the rhythm of the music deriving from repetitive movements sensed here. Consequentry, the Chapel at Ronchamp can be seen as a vital design that expresses Bergson’s notion of musical vitality, indicating that an approach toward artistic design can be realized through his musical vitality. This study holds significance as basic research on artistic design with philosophy and music as its origin.