The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Effects of Performance Stage through Direction - With a focus on stage musicals performed in Korea -
Authors 한아림 ; 홍일태
Page pp.328-335
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Stage Design ; Analogue ; Digital ; Direction
Abstract Due to development of digital technology, a concept of stage design management is being changed. In addition, stage management technique is changing a viewpoint of the audience watching a stage through the convergence of analogue and digital technology. Three-dimensional media such as LED and hologram and works combining with previous stage performances are rising, and the audience’s requirements about spectacles on the stage are increasingly higher. Interaction between a stage, audiences and actors is a communication tool by a work story and its direction. In other words, stage design should newly focus on not only concluded work story but also comprehensive delivery of direction and the expression and extreme delivery. Therefore, this study aims to examine how to combine analogue and digital direction elements in the stage design. To this end, this study looks into everything the audience feels through performances and analogue and digital elements directed for performances and then analyzes and arranges them to present a possibility of various types of work performances. Stage structure, set, and lighting that are analogue direction elements are the basis of stage performance. Analogue direction elements mean a media vehicle that can differentiate except for basic direction of each work. This study aims to analyze new performance culture when analog and digital direction elements are combined through stage performance and a possibility of new stage performance. In addition, through this it desired to seek for a development possibility of Korean leisure culture and art culture. As the work cases, this study shows 10 works through actual stage performances held in Korea and introduces elements directed in those works.