The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Features of Space Perception shown at Intention of Observing the Space of Cafeteria
Authors 최계영
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Cafeteria ; Space Image ; Intentionality ; Space Perception ; Emotion Evaluation
Abstract This study, with a space of cafeteria for the object, selected adjective and space for space evaluation based on existing dissertations and experts' survey so as to analyze the perception features by adjective into perception types. At space evaluation, the purpose of visiting the cafeteria was setup for test. Analysis of what perceptual information on the space was acquired enables to set up any features at a space and the direction of designing. The approach through the evaluation of space perception assigning this kind of observing intentionality can be applied to emotion technique which connects a designer to customers. From this study, the following conclusion has been reached. Frist, the difference at perception type by gender is formality, which is higher with women than men. When it is considered that other types are identical, it can be seen that the formality is the perception type to decide the selection of gender and has the highest average value among all the three types. On the whole, men have the tendency for regarding spaciality as the most important, while women have that for looking upon formality as such. Second, to the question what element they would see first when visiting for conversation, men and women answered respectively that they would see partition (35.6%) and chairs (38.0%). Men had a very strong propensity for the element of area section(partition) supporting the activity of purpose and women regarded the element of behavior support(chair) carrying out the activity of purpose as important. Third, the analysis of deviance shown at the formality of perception type showed that men had dispersive selection at the process of selecting all adjectives and their features at the process of space perception were higher than spaciality and fancine.