Title |
A Study on the Expression Transformation of Visual Information in 3D Architectural Models |
Keywords |
3D Architectural Model ; Architectural Visual Information ; Expression Viewpoints ; Viewpoint Change |
Abstract |
This study investigated the application and the change of various architectural models by analyzing expression viewpoint media, which were applied to the visual information of digitalized 3D contemporary architectural models. The purpose of this study was to specify how modern architects have changed 3D architectural models to conceptual, logical, and formational visual information in the process of design. This study discovered a framework of analyses by theoretically investigating a relationship between expression media and expression change in the process of visualizing architectural models. Using the framework of analyses, this study analyzed how the expression viewpoints of architectural model information have been changed and applied. The transformation media of the visual information of digitalized 3D architectural models can be classified into conceptual, analytical, and formational information: 1) Contemporary architects used author-centered subjective viewpoints to express architectural concepts, which were generated in the process of their design. They selected a perspective viewpoint and a bird's eye view in order to present their architectural concepts and to depict them with one architectural model by expanding the visual scope of conceptual information. 2) Contemporary architects adopted observer-centered objective bird's eye view expression media to effectively present their architectural information to building owners and viewers. They used transformal media, which integrate architectural information into 3D and change it to different scales, in order to express their architecture logically. 3) Contemporary architects delivered model information about the generation and change of forms by expressing the image of a project from an author-centered viewpoint, instead of objectively defining formational information. They explained the generation principle of architectural forms via transformal media which develop and rotate an architectural model. |