The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Effect of the Difference at Design Pattern on the Characteristics of Observation
Authors 김종하 ; 박선명
Page pp.174-182
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Design types ; Interior Space ; Primacy Effect ; Eye-tracking ; Observation Time ; Perception-Congnition
Abstract This study divided the observation area in an indoor space for area setup to analyse the effect of the difference of design types on the characteristics of observation with the observed time of each area as objects. Though it is thought that the difference of design patterns may be influenced by the factors and material composing the space, no existing approaches have had any quantitatively measuring method. Eye-tracking could be efficiently utilized for observation analysis from the viewpoint of dating observation behavior. The followings are the results of analysing the observation characteristics depending on design pattern. First, 5 observing areas were set up according to concentration of observation time in order for the concentration by area to be examined and the factors of design having effect on the difference of observation patterns by design type could be analysed. Second, as a whole, the observation of modern types showed high observation characteristics. When the difference of observation characteristics by pattern was examined by difference at observation frequency, the observation frequency defined to be more than 50% was seen to be almost same from Area I to III and to get higher from Area IV, and that defined to be 30% was high at Areas III and IV. In Area V, it was very high at natural. Third, that of Area II is no more than 8.2% but had the most observation time. As for observation characteristics, the horizontal observation of the central part was the highest and had more observation frequency at modern type that at natural one. These observation characteristics by area enabled to analyse the observation tendency depending on design characters at relevant area. Fourth, the design factors composing natural type were found to bring more attention when the area showed higher concentration at natural type than at modern one. And the analysis of design factors could make it to be confirmed that the quality of material and background factors in addition to design factors in the area had more effect on sight concentration.