The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Influences of Religious Philosophy upon Modern Creativity-art and Artistic Volition - Focus on the Ideas of ‘Panentheism’ appeared in Avant-Garde Building Artists in turns of Century -
Authors 오장환
Page pp.112-119
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Oriental Aesthetics ; Universalism ; Froebel ; Panentheism ; Humanity ; Free-Will ; Creativity-Art
Abstract This study focuses on an innate 'spiritual' quality of arts including building art, or a meaning of the religious philosophy of 'creativity-art'. In particular, this focuses, among two aspects in roots of modernism, especially on the irrational facet veiled by the name of ‘a new’ religious faith, rather than the rational such as the function. In fact, although modern Avant-gardes' religious philosophical faiths called by different names respectively have generally considered as one of the sources for their designs, nevertheless it had veiled because of the religious ‘orthodoxy power’ at that time. Arguably, as known well, the creativity of art is intimate relation with a religious ideas. Thus, for this purpose, this study treats this theme in central these three issues; Orientalism, Universalism, and Froebelianism which are intimate in the realm of religious philosophy. Ultimately, through a research on the universal religious philosophy in all three objects as keeping a quality not of pantheism but of ‘Panentheism’ emphasizing the individual’s ‘divine’ artistic volition, this study deepens the understanding on the Creativity-art as the main characteristic of modernity. Namely, it is very important to draw a distinction between pantheism and Panentheism; because, through the pantheism, it is difficult to comprehend a stream and a characteristic of the twentieth new religious thoughts including those of modern avant-garde artists, as well as their existential free-will as a whole.