The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Synesthesia according to place and materials - Focused on the Peter Zumthor's works -
Authors 구만재 ; 이정욱
Page pp.11-21
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Sensible Space ; Physical Properties ; Place ; The Synesthesia
Abstract The development of modern industry and the production of new materials of architecture have recognized as an important aspect. This study intended to discuss about the meaning of main elements of the architecture materials, its implications for properties, and, highlighted meaning of the properties of modern interior design. The purpose of this study is to analyze the case studies of Place and Physical materials of synaesthesia of modern architecture as well as modern architecture is not only concentrated in the visual aspect but also the larger ramifications of sensory. Synesthesia in architectural space can be called experiential existence that built in the space of human perception and based on the human emotion that targeted by physical architectural space. Accordingly, these case studies are to consider about how the materials being passed by any effect in a modern interior space presented, In order to find the essential meaning in modern interior space, this studies focused on Swiss architect Peter Zumthor's cases. Following analyze of Peter Zumthor's place of architectural space and materials, this study structured by the six kinds of synesthesia characters. First, time and remember to infer changes, Second, traditional and regional ingredients involve the substitution of one empirical space, Third, non-materiality through the neutralization, Fourth, auditory memory through the embodiment of everydayness, Fifth, trail through the sense of smell for the presence, Sixth, the relationship of natural and industrial products. Peter Zumthor's characteristics of these works are result of factors on the synesthetic relationship with the human response to architecture, the five senses, memories, experiences, and temperature. Also it is a synesthetic result of all human emotion to clarify of the architecture materials and non-material mediums by which light by a compound.