The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Expressional Characteristics and Kengo Kuma's Structure of Architectural Thinking as the Dynamic Criticism
Authors 김윤정 ; 박찬일
Page pp.114-125
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Kengo Kuma ; Dynamic Criticism ; Architectural Thinking ; Expressional Characteristic
Abstract Kengo Kuma used to be very known well as a critic before being an architect. He usually mentioned quite unique type of comments for subjects whenever his criticism, also even his works results have been able to be targets of criticism materials by his method. His works are the achievements of challenges based on his continuous dynamic criticism. Hence, to have well understanding of his architectural thinking and works result, his complexes criticism structure must be needed to understand. And also, this study is using 'KJ Method' type to analyze his architectural thinking which is complicated making by a type of non-linear. Kengo Kuma's structures of architectural thinking and critiques perspective of modern architecture have been created by 'KJ Method'. Critiques types of keywords and consequences words collected from among the local dedicated professional architecture books to get this research result. First of all, Kengo Kuma desired even modern architecture problems to be melt as a specific architecture result such as modern type of power structure. To have result, Kengo Kuma had experienced sensible activity through materials which have specific characteristic. Also place of materiality created to get relationship between environments and architecture. Secondly, he wanted to recover troubled traditional Japanese architectural perspective which blocked relationship by dichotomy as a right way. In conclusion, this research reaches Kengo Kuma's type of architecture which strongly emphasizes harmony among related components such as human being, materials, substances based on accepted natural environments and lives' principle. Also, much more specific methods have been derived by related works results analyzing which have similar characteristic as Kengo Kuma's one.