The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Emergent Properties and Dialectic way of thinking of the Dutch RE;USE Design
Authors 박영태
Page pp.23-33
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Dialectic ; Contradiction ; Emergent Properties ; Reuse ; Netherland
Abstract This is a study on the application of a dialectic way of thinking in terms of design methods, and has contents about the formation of new visual and the ways of process that are triggered by cognitive introspection. A ccordingly, the study has its purposes in interpretation and recommendation of new methodological systems around dialectic principles and ways of thinking on the works of the Dutch Architecture Exhibition carried out in Korea in 2013, with the theme of "Reuse" among the aspects expanding since the reflexive modernization. Firstly, the basic features of Dutch designs were connected to dialectic ways of thinking. After studying the basic concepts of dialectics from Greek philosophies to Kant, Hegel, Marx and Benjamin, the aspects of applying them onto creative works such as art, architecture and design were methodologically systematized. Through this process, it was confirmed that the existing concepts are newly rearranged rationally, logically and scientifically based on dialectic ways of thinking rather than subjectively or emotionally. From the study of the 12 art works, it was confirmed that the value of use and potential obstacles have been used as a design solution. Also, the process which is juxtaposed with the result by itself has been expressed and causes the alienation effect. Therefore, such dialectic ways of thinking was organized into a procedural flow of contradictory recognition on situations, drive due to negativity, mutual penetration, mutual transformation, abstraction, verbalizing and creation of new concepts, and it was confirmed that such finding was valid in securing creative possibilities as 'New Uses' rather than 'Re-uses'.