The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Development of Neighborhood Design Indicators for Supporting Casual Contacts and Meetings of Old Residents
Authors 오찬옥 ; 김수영 ; 장수지(Chang, Su-Jie)
Page pp.30-39
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Neighborhood Design ; Aging-Friendly Neighborhood ; Contacts and Meeting
Abstract Korean society is running fast toward a super aging society. This means that new solutions for new problems of aged people are needed. An important area to prove is the aging-friendly neighborhood environments supporting casual contacts and meetings of old residents. This study attempts to suggest neighborhood design indicators which support casual contacts and meetings of old residents. The subjects were 24 professionals who had studied on housing environment for the elderly. They answered through the on-line questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of items which evaluate the appropriateness of classification of neighborhood area and the indicators of each area using 5-points Likert scale. Also open questions asking adding or eliminating areas or indicator and other opinions were included. On the basis of these answers, the aging-friendly neighborhood design indicators supporting contacts and meetings of old residents was developed. They are consisted of 7 areas in neighborhood and 60 indicators. Those areas were semi-public residential area, commercial area, cultural & educational area, health & medical area, park & green area, walkway, and public traffic facilities. This would be used to design the neighborhood environments that are aging-friendly and facilitating casual contacts and meetings of all residents, especially old residents.