The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Planning of Apartment Community Facilities according to EEG Analysis by School Age of Youth Emotional Words
Authors 황연숙 ; 김주연 ; 장아리 ; 임은영 ; 정현원
Page pp.181-189
ISSN 12297992
Keywords School Age ; Community Facilities ; Adolescents ; Electroencephalogram ; EEG
Abstract Adolescence is differentiated from other development stages for the significant physical and emotional changes a person goes through that stage. This study has surveyed communal residencies in the Seoul area and the community facilities within them and has analyzed their correlation with the adolescents' emotional reactions according to their school age. This study is concerned with evaluating the perceptions of teenagers towards learning, cultural, and exercise facilities. These adjectives were positioned on the IRI adjective images to obtain representative words such as "noble", "gentle", and "cheerful" for the purpose of analysis. Furthermore, each representative word was assigned a color and then made into a simulation for the EEG experiment. The EEG signals of the teenagers in different educational levels indicated that EEG signals of high school students were more activated compared to that of middle school students and both groups responded to the "cheerful" images with high EEG signals. Therefore, in order for community facilities within communal residencies to actively support and activate leisure and academic activities for adolescents, they have to be connected to their emotional characteristics. It is also important to minutely plan according to their school age.