The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Typology as Form Generating Process in Contemporary Architecture
Authors 김종명 ; 김동진
Page pp.3-13
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Typology ; Type ; Topology ; Form ; Diagram ; Morphology ; Representation ; Generation ;
Abstract Typology in Contemporary Architecture wants to escape from the classical typology that has the problems about specific program of structuralism, typical repeatation of customary form. As visible and non-visible things are appeared in contemporary architecture through the analysis of the inner system involving development process of changing itself, typology of contemporary is utilized at a tool of form generation in the process of architect. And it notes that the structural properties of the building system. The form of contemporary architecture has the new connecting strucure not reduced to existing ones. It carries out generative access as a device in order to solve the complexity of society. From this perspective, we analyze the process of projects of contemporary architects that can be typological strategy not representation of post geometric form but a tool of form generation in architectural process. As a result, we can find four characteristics of typology as a tool of form generation; 'interference and mix of program', 'continous slabs', 'rearrangement through relationship setting', 'transformation of multi-layers'. These are expanding to the process that reflect history and context or infer from morphology. Therefore, typology as architectural process of form generation overcomes morphological typology of classical typology and suggests that the different architectural approach having potential possibility.