The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Extraction of An Improvement Plan of Day Care Center's Interior Environment Design Reflecting Persona Characteristics -The case of Jounno Ward Silver Center-
Authors 이진우(Lee, Jin-Woo) ; 남경숙(Nam, Kyung-Sook)
Page pp.43-53
ISSN 12297992
Keywords User Experience(UX) ; Persona ; Healing Environment ; Day Care Center ; Interior Environment Design
Abstract As part of alternative of elderly problems in the future super-aging society, this study aims to extract an improvement plan of interior environment design of Seoul-type day care centers to expand in future by observing day care centers as medical and healing environments, from the perspective of user experience. For this study, after selecting major activity areas of representative cases of Seoul-type day care centers, user behaviors in the space were observed and 4 seniors of baby-boom generation who are potential uses were chosen as personas by reflecting characteristics of healthy elderly, physical aging, mental aging and infirm elderly, from the perspective of user experience. Based on previous studies on healing environments, these characteristics and demands of personas were classified into environmental aspects, physical aspects and mental aspects to extract an improvement plan. The study results are as follows. First, interior environment design reflecting persona characteristics helps the elderly adapt to the environment and provides a comfortable environment like home for stability, treatment and recovery of memory. Second, interior environment design reflecting persona characteristics helps psychological healing through light entering the large windows and natural environment elements. Third, for interior environment design reflecting persona characteristics, finish materials with bright and soft colors should be used to change the images of facilities positively. Fourth, spatial composition should be remedied through division of space and built-in furniture depending on the needs of users for loitering of extra time and programs.