The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Counterbalance applied to the Dynamics of Daniel Libeskind's Architecture - Focused on Libeskind Museums -
Authors 이다경(Lee, Da-kyoung) ; 조자연(Cho, Ja-Yeon)
Page pp.64-71
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Counterbalance ; Dynamics ; Counterpoint ; Oblique Line
Abstract This study aims to disclose the dynamics of Daniel Libeskind Museums by the principles of counterbalance. Balance as a dynamic concept is the settlement of instability and tension and to draw overall sense of balance by controlling new perception elements that may cope with the unbalance elements. This is based on balancing compensation and can be explained as a counterbalance. Daniel Libeskind, a representative architect of deconstructivism, creates dynamic space by using oblique lines on the plane. The study was carried out under the assumption that this space would be designed under the certain principles rather than the result of momentary feelings and the analysis was conducted by the counterpoint of music and counterbalance. As a result, Daniel Libeskind balances in a way of forming the mutual right angle by using oblique lines which cancel out the unbalance in plane composition or making the same angle based on vertical / horizontal axis. Counterbalance has been achieved in the section and elevation as well as plane and complex and diverse oblique lines were worked under the constant principle not accidental results. The axes of Daniel Libeskind's architecture have been known to follow contextualism with symbolism and historicity but it was found that a design technique considering counterbalance was used in the overall control.