The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title An analysis study of the guest room design characteristics in the themed hotel - An Analysis Study Focusing on Domestic and Foreign Themed Hotels from Year 2005 until Current -
Authors 초기(Xiao Qi) ; 홍관선(Hong, kwan-Seon)
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Themed Hotel ; Guest's Room Design ; Characteristics
Abstract Themed hotels is a new form of hotel development that is rising at home and abroad. In the hospitality industry has a leading position. And The design of the themed hotel is different from tradition as hotel as it more innovative. People are attracted to themed hotel for its' unique interior design especially the guest room. For the sake of promoting the themed hotel's running better, guest room design characteristics can't be neglected. Therefore, this paper will analyze the characteristics of the guest's room design in the themed hotel. This paper initially narrates the concept, features and current situation, and then makes an analysis about the types of theme hotels in combination with examples. Secondly, through the thesis analysis of prior research, key words, hybridity, interactions, symbolic, diversity and regionalism about features of rooms in theme hotel are given. Finally, examples about theme hotels at home and abroad opened after 2005 are taken as the center, through which features of rooms in each theme hotel are analyzed. By the analysis of conclusion, basic current situation of rooms in theme hotels is given. The findings of this research will provide a reference to design the guest's room of the themed hotel.