The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Correlation Analysis between Space Integration and Natural Light in K Senior Hospitals
Authors 문선영(Moon, Sun-Young) ; 이현수(Lee, Hyun-Soo)
Page pp.189-196
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Senior Specialized Hospital ; Natural Light ; Integration ; SPACE SYNTAX ; ECOTECT
Abstract In case of Senior Hospitals, meticulous care is required in both amount and quality of natural lighting because of the semi-long term residence of patients. Natural lighting has a huge impact on the physical and psychological part for the seniors. Likewise, natural lighting is an important factor considered for hospital design because it can also effect As a resuit of this study presenting type C and type D, part of four types of illumination intensity, takes higher percentage of almost every spaces compare to the therefore K Senior Hospital was designed on the assumption of healing environment composition through natural light. The result of this research would be used meaningfully in the space programming phase of Senior Hospitals in the future. Utilization rate can be adjusted using illumination intensity value in the space that integration rate should be planed to be high. The use(purpose) of space and integration rate can be used as a guideline to set illumination intensity of natural. hospitalization period of patients. Research subject was K Senior Hospital which was determined as the courtyard-type building made to provide healing environment through natural lighting. Analysis was performed by dividing the space of K Senior Hospital into Central Treatment Department directly used by patients, Outpatient Department(OPD), Ward Department, Common Use Department. Research was carried out in two ways of integration value analysis using SPACE SYNTAX and illumination intensity analysis using ECOTECT. K Senior Hospital intended to actively let in natural light through courtyard and to make patients exposed to natural light when they walk along the circuit corridor built around the courtyard. This environmental consideration affected the utilization rate of Common Use Department and residence time of patients raising the average of Common Use Department on every floor.