The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Analysis of the University Library's Space Program and Design Characteristics with the Concept of 'Cultural Commons'- Focused on the Tama Art University Library -
Authors 편영희(Pyun, Young-Hee) ; 박찬일(Park, Chan-Il)
Page pp.48-58
ISSN 12297992
Keywords University Library ; Cultural Commons ; Learning Commons ; Information Commons ; Tama Art University Library
Abstract This study is to conclude a direction for Information Commons, which supports the university library in a new role. The study explains perspectives on the changing role of the university library by examining the approaches, histories, and theories practiced by various researchers on Information Commons. The study aims to discover ways of improving the library space that are dedicated to technology using Information Commons, it also examines ways of creating a unified "library space" that will support learning and access to knowledge and information. The features of Cultural Commons include making improvements to technology-centered space, and providing support to research, freedom of speech, creative approach, public freedom and collaboration, and interaction. The functions of Cultural Commons within the university library are listed: First, it supports programs that will transform the library into a social hub within the university. The space specifically blurs the boundary between the library building and its surroundings, and unifies these spaces to enhance its catalytic role in aiding social interactions and human-centered approach. Second, it supports active participation through cultural programs and provides a fluid and interactive space with virtual resources. Third, it enhances user experience to supports behaviors and activities that involve fixtures and equipment in the space to promote learning. The study notes that, with the emergence of these characteristics, the university library is changing by implementing Cultural Commons for on-campus social space and new learning. Accordingly, this implementation is expected to enhance active acceptance of the library space in the future.