Title |
Japanese Mythic Imaginaries and the Symbolic Structure of Traditional Space Designs |
http://dx.doi.org/10.14774/JKIID.2015.24.3.079 |
Keywords |
Japanese Traditional Space Design ; Myth ; Imaginaries ; Symbol ; Prototype |
Abstract |
Myths and architectural spaces are cultural products symbolizing ideologies and objects respectively. Myth has the structure and the contents of a unique view of the world that reflects thoughts and representations of the nationalities. This study is about 'the spaces of the memory' adapted by the mythic tradition among many aspects of the Japanese tradition. The process of this study is illustrated as follows: At first, it mentions the concept of Gilbert Durand's mythic imaginaries and prototype with the method on how the myth is applied to the architectural spaces in the cultural context. Secondly, It clarifies basic meaning arrangement of the Japanese traditional spaces related to the myth. It shows sourceful 'prototipical system' that lies in the relation between thoughts and representations, regarding the shinto's spaces in terms of mythical imaginaries and Japanness. Thirdly, it ascertains mythical structure represented in the traditional space designs on terms with 'prototype' from symbolic system of the myth. It selects the cases among Japanese contemporary architects's works designed after 1960's, and analyses the meanings. In conclusion, it clarifies that this way can be a suggestion as the space design method combining the human's imaginary property with the time-stratigraphic region, and offering creative ideas for the strategy of the space design brand image that embraces a wide range of culture, ecology, and sensibility. |