The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Characteristics of Expression of Place Identity Shown in the Public Design of Choryang Ibagu-gil
Authors 여미(Yeo, Mi) ; 이창노(Lee, Chang No) ; 최강림(Choi, Kang Rim)
Page pp.124-134
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Choryang Ibagu-gil ; Sanbokdoro ; Public Design ; Place Identity ; Characteristics of Expression
Abstract This study aims to identify the characteristics of expression of place identity shown in public design of Choryang Ibagugil in Dong-gu, Busan and analyze them from physical aspects and from psychological ones. Choryang Ibagugil has special historicity indicating that it is a hillside road(Sanbokdoro) dwelling site created after the 6.25 Korean War and the quintessence of Busan. In addition, the site is a good example that used the topographic characteristics as they were and used the road for movement called as ‘gil’ to design public environment. Ibagugil connected to Sanbokdoro (i.e. Mangyang-ro) starting from the big road (Busan Station) where there was a large floating population represented the regional identity to public design by the medium of ‘gil.’ As a result of analyzing the characteristics of expression of place identity based on the current status discovered, our conclusions could be drawn as follows: First, place forms identity under interpersonal relationships and there is a story on the lives of people in the contexts between place and identity. Second, place identity is an independent specialty of a certain place and expression of place identity into public design makes the place more place-like. Ibagugil expressed its identity while adapting to the topographic characteristics of hillside road(Sanbokdoro). Third, adjacent public buildings were included into Ibagugil, thus highlighting the placeness, although it is considered that it is ambiguous to determine it as public design in the current-status analysis. Fourth, from the public value aspect, slumized hillside road(Sanbokdoro) was improved, which led to improvement in quality of environment and improvement in pride of local residents. Resultingly, it can be said that the place identity appeared in the public design of Choryang Ibagugil were the stories that happened in this place. Moreover, the indication of future image of how the place will be developed in the future makes the value of the place more significant. Therefore, in public design for expressing place identity, utilization of independent speciality of the site is considered to be an important factor. By doing so, ‘place becomes a real place’ and ‘place can get an independent identity.’ Going further, it comes to get the characteristics of ‘being the place as it is.’