The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Usage and Space Planning in Subject Specialization of University Library for Major
Authors 장아리(Chang, Ari) ; 황연숙(Hwang, Yeon-sook)
Page pp.143-151
ISSN 12297992
Keywords University Library ; Subject Specialization ; Space Usage Condition ; Preference ; Major Field
Abstract This study was conducted under the premise that the university library’s subject specialization room is in need of major modifications in order to accommodate the needs of various majors. The subject specialization room will be able to support university library users who are inclined to use the general reading room. Therefore, the study presents spatial planning for the average university library’s subject specialization room by taking into account student majors. This could be a guideline for the construction and renovation of university libraries in the future. The summary of results for this study and the conclusions are as follows: 1)Natural sciences subject specialization room should be, partially connected with the humanities/social science subject specialization room in order to provide an open-concept reference room. In the shared area connecting the two subject specialization rooms needs to be installed a staff counter and subject specialist librarian service booth for users of both subject specialization rooms. 2)For humanities/social sciences subject specialization room, partially connect with the natural sciences subject specialization room. In the connecting area between the two rooms, plan an open-concept lounge for resting and reading. 3)It is best to plan subject specialization room for art/music/physical education majors separate from the subject specification room of other majors. Structurally separate art/music/physical education major subject specialization rooms from the building or plan a separate room in an art/music/physical education building. Users of art/music/physical education majors showed a high preference for a spatially separated and specialized library structure, which proves that an art/music/physical education library need to be planed based on the specialized library structure found in law school libraries or medical school libraries. Plan the center of the room with open-concept based reading room. Use wall-sides, partitions, or shelves to create reading space separate from the shelving area.