The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Ecofriendly Properties of Apartment Housing Playground in Germany
Authors 김자경(Kim, Ja Kyung)
Page pp.87-98
ISSN 12297992
Keywords EcoFriendly Outdoor Playground ; EcoFriendly Playground ; Apartment Housing Playground EcoFriendly Safe Playground
Abstract As an apartment house as well as improving quality of life is becoming one of the brands, it is increasing the importance of the outer space with the facilities in the housing complex. In particular, the outdoor playground such as the community facilities that children and adults share as the activity areas for residents has received attention. However, actually children have not used many of Korean apartment housing playgrounds that were installed formally in the scrap area according to the housing plan by residential construction standards. it is considered necessary to improve the quality of the playground in housing complex and reform it in order to make the ecofriendly play space in which children can play safely and h healthily. As an alternative, we analyzed the ecofriendly properties of the playgrounds installed in the ecofriendly housing complex in Germany and derived the main planning elements of ecofriendly playground. In the observational survey of the 10 playgrounds in 9 housing complexes in 5 regions in Germany, we evaluated the environmentfriendliness of these playgrounds in the 8 fields(location and placement, ecological environment, play space, play equipment and facilities, additional facilities, materials and resources, energy saving, environmental load reduction) according to the levels(suitable, partial reflection, unsuitable, nonreflection) of reflection of ecofriendly planning factors. The following is the summary of the results about the reflection of ecofriendly planning factors. In terms of "suitable": location and placement(88.8%), play equipment and facilities(73.5%), additional facilities(60.6%), environmental load reduction(54%), and ecological environment(50%) were higher than others. In terms of "unsuitable": there was nothing. In terms of "nonreflection": energy saving(95%), additional facilities(32.2%), and materials and resources(30.9%) were in order. Therefore, on the basis of these results, this study proposed the planning indicators to be considered first and the planning factors that should be complemented and improved in the construction of apartment housing playground in future.