The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Case Study on BIMenabled Evaluation of Design Alternatives for an Actual Remodeling Project in Korea - Focusing on the Spatial Program Review in Early Phase of Design
Authors 김현정(Kim, Hyunjung) ; 이진국(Lee, JinKook)
Page pp.117-125
ISSN 12297992
Keywords BIM ; Spatial Program Review ; Old Apartment ; Remodeling ; Quantitative Analysis
Abstract This paper depicts a case study of the BIM (Building Information Modeling)enabled evaluation of design alternatives for an actual remodeling project in Yeongwol, Korea. The increase of urban population and income followed by the growth of economy has derived massive supply of grand scale housing project in Korea since 1970s. Consequently, building remodeling became one of the feasible resolutions for renovating such old housings in these days. This paper aims to introduce a technical approach to such remodeling projects based on BIMenabled applications focusing on quantitative analysis of design alternatives. Among the technical issues of such building remodeling projects, this paper focuses on the BIMenabled area analysis and comparison between design alternatives to support decisionmaking even in early phase of remodeling design process. BIM and its variety of applications have broadly influenced the domain of AECFM (Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Facility Management) within the lifecycle of buildings. As one of the applications facilitated by BIM, the automated area calculation and scenariobased comparison between alternatives can play an important role in the early phase of remodeling project. We modeled three design alternatives (buildings) and three housing modules (units) based on the actual case in Yeongwol city, Korea using a BIM design authoring tool. Nine combinatorial BIM models were demonstrated for the BIMenabled review process described in this paper. To determine the most optimal design scenario among nine alternatives, this paper demonstrates a result of the conducted spatial program review. The main subject includes specific spatial program issues on; 1) the number of unit spaces; and 2) area of individual/grouped and private/shared spaces.