The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the meaning of in-between space in Sou Fujimoto and Bernard Tschumi's Architecture
Authors 박호현(Park, Hohyun)
Page pp.87-95
ISSN 12297992
Keywords In between Space ; Intermediate Space ; Nebulous ; Mediation ; Sou Fujimoto ; Bernard Tschumi
Abstract Aldo Van Eyck and Herman Hertzberger explained 'In-between space' as an intermediate space between opposite elements such as whole and parts, inside and outside, open and close, central and decentral. From this idea, the meaning of 'in-between space' has developed and applied to works of Bernard Tschumi and Sou Fujimoto. In this study, the meaning of 'in-between space' was compared and analyzed based on two architects' works to reveal the design approach in terms of 'in-between space' Final Wooden House, N House, and Serpentine Gallery Pavilion among Sou Fujimoto's work were selected and Le Fresnoy, Lerner Student Center, and Acropolis Museum among Bernard Tschumi's work were selected to analyze. To understand their design approach, their works were compared and analyzed in architectural attitude, tools, construction style and the approach, concept, theme, relation, direction of in-between space. As a result, Sou Fujimoto uses 'in-between space' as a nebulous approach as intermediate space between opposite elements. For Bernard Tschumi, 'in-between space' is also an intermediate space to emphasize and make a tension between opposite elements. It is a method of solving the contradiction condition between old city environment and new architecture.