The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Case Study on Spatial Characteristics in Collectivehouse for the Activation of the Community - Focused on Common Space
Authors 이하연(Lee, Ha-Yeon) ; 문정민(Moon, Jeong-Min)
Page pp.3-12
ISSN 1229-7992
Keywords Japan ; CollectiveHouse ; Community Activation ; Spatial Characteristics ; Common Space
Abstract This study analyses characteristics of space to facilitate community centering on cases of collective houses in Japan and uses the results as basic data to activate collective houses as an alternative form of housing in our country. To identify the characteristics of space for active communities with collective living space, this study conducted a theoretical examination on collective houses and housing, derived territoriality, accessibility, comfort and safety as factors of community activation and analysed various cases, and the results are presented as follows: First, territoriality is a necessary condition for formation of community, and a confined and physical space. It indicates the proper size of a space and diverse spacial areas which meet the needs of residents with the proper size and amount of space (space which can accommodate diverse generations including women, the aged and the young, flexible space which changes according to the purposes and program, space which supports leisure and hobby activities, and space which can accommodate outsiders). Second, accessibility indicates an environment which supports residents' easy use of space. As the more accessible it is, the higher the frequency of its use, spatial factors (piloti, backyards, benches and tables) should be provided, community space should be arranged in a central or decentralized way and community living space should be made for each floor. As for exits, accessibility should be considered in every way; entrances connected with community spaces, open entrances and entrances accessible from outside or individual living spaces. Third, comfort satisfies the physical and mental needs of residents through separation of floors and flows between the community and individual spaces for privacy and formation of eco-friendly spaces including vegetable gardens, gardens and plant arrangements. Fourth, safety should be considered for a higher quality environment with psychological stability and comfort, for which the following are recommended: installation of hand-rails, removal of thresholds, spacial design for the socially weak, duplex and open type structures for community space, open stages and halls, as well as indoor and outdoor openness through the use of windows.