The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Characteristics of Chinese Traditionality Expression in View of Spatial Elements at Restaurants in Beijing Area
Authors 원단단(Yuan, DanDan) ; 오혜경(Oh, Hye Kyung)
Page pp.163-171
ISSN 1229-7992
Keywords Beijing ; Modern restaurants ; Chinese Traditional Design ; Traditionality Expression
Abstract The objectives of this study is to analyze the characteristics of Chinese traditionality expression at restaurants in Beijing area. 12 restaurants were selected and visited for the investigation research. The results were as follows. First, traditional reproduction was found mainly manifested through the reproduction of traditional ornaments, in particular, the facade and interior element ornaments. Second, Traditional transformation was mainly manifested in replacement material while changing the shape slightly, or to stretch or shorten prototype shape and other negative deformation methods which did not largely out of the scope of traditional reproduction. Third, Traditional reinterpretation was expressed by abstract, symbol or metaphor on designs, usually people can not directly recognize the traditional archetype. When compare with traditional reproduction or traditional transformation, traditional reinterpretation was relatively fewer, however, in this study the traditional reinterpretation and traditional transformation have same numerical result. Reinterpretation as a positive performance method of traditional modernized, it was encouraging the phenomenon, especially in the ceiling design. Chinese traditional cloud patterns have been three-dimensional and diversification of use. And in the wall design, traditional elements have been extremely simplistic or adopted a wide variety of traditional elements, it may be preferred in diversity. In addition, furniture was tinge traditional elements in modern form, lighting was added symbolize color or picture on the traditional lighting which shape was simplified to emphasize space’s traditional. But the facade, sign board, floor, and window element seems the range of variation was not wild, promote more use the positive traditional reinterpretation method.