The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Change of 'Attention Resources’ and 'Space-Memory' by Lighting focusing on 'Selective Attention'
Authors 서지은(Seo, Ji-Eun)
Page pp.41-49
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Selective Attention ; Attention Resources ; Space-memory ; Lighting
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the change and to compare to the difference of 'selective elements' and 'space-memory' focusing on the theory, 'selective attention' through the survey results. In this study, In this study, the lighting is considered a important factor in the change of 'selective elements'. this survey is to find the selective elements of participants and to measure the spatial sensitivity of respondents through 'self- test'. The analysis in this study is conducted by descriptive statistics , t-test and one way ANOVA by SPSS program 22. The results of this study are as following; Firstly, 'attention-element' could be classified with 4 types, 'shape', 'material', 'contrast' and 'combination'. 'shape' could divide into 'structure' and' furniture and object'. In case of 'material', it could section with 'pattern' and 'color'. Secondly, through the results of study, 'attention-element' is different each space during the day in detail. But we could know that 'shape' is the important element of the 'attention-elements' during the day through comparison of this result. That means users consider this as a important factor when they evaluate the space. Therefore, it is effective way designers to consider 'shape' as the first element when they want to conduct the special sensitivity of users in the space through planning. On the other hand, what selective elements of users are different by the lighting situation should be acknowledged by designers. And they should think the kinds of selective elements are more various when lighting turns on than turns off.. Thirdly, through the results such as the meaningful difference of space-memory of users according to the change of 'attention-elements', designers should judge about which kind of feeling of users to the space do you want lead in the design process. For the effective feedback between spaces and users to induce the same emotion of users, designers need to consider the unified design and the individual design both. Also, we will regard the differences in the users' emotion to the space according to the lighting situation when we design the space.