The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Composition Types of Layout and Three-dimensional of the Public Space(LDK) in Small Houses in Japan
Authors 신미옥(Shen, Mei-Yu) ; 윤춘섭(Yoon, Choon-Sup) ; 김남효(Kim, Nam-Hyo)
Page pp.92-100
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Small-sized detached house ; Space Features ; Public Space ; LDK
Abstract Recently, new detached houses on a small plot in low-rise residential urban area have attracted more public interests than ever before. This study aims to categorize basic types of interior plans in small urban detached houses by analyzing the layouts of the public space(LDK) within them which are popular in Japan. The results of this study may be summarized as follows. Unit floor plans were basically classified as 16 types according to the layout of LDK. Among these, the LDK type in a straight line shows the most at 28.9%. Again, these plans were sub-classified into 38 types by plan composition. The new ‘LDKL’ (a new term the authors propose to be used) type was observed in cases where K was directly connected to L. This type appears at 9 out of 38 types. In the connection of LDK, the LDK type shows the most at 60.8%; secondly the L-DK type at 29.9%; thereafter the LD-K type at 6.2%; and lastly L-D-K type, the least frequently at 1.0%. The cases of inter-level connection between LDK and the surrounding space were observed in various cases such as the open workplace of the upstairs hallway visually connected with LDK through the void space and as the attic space of the pitched roof visually linked to it.