The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Characteristics of the Spatial Components of Stage - Focused on Domestic Proscenium type of Stage -
Authors 전용석(John, Yong-Seok)
Page pp.68-79
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Theater planning ; Stage ; Proscenium type ; Spatial Components
Abstract The purpose of this study is to provide a reference for stage space planning in modern theaters by analyzing and understanding stage components in terms of spatial composition, purposes, and correlation between them, and collecting various opinions from stage managers an directors. The findings are as follow: the determination of the size of proscenium arch is crucial, and it needs to be considered not only with the genre of the performance and the number of seats, but also with the size of the stage facility. The two-dimensional size of proscenium arch affects the scale of stage area in three-dimensional way; the size of main stage comes from the width of the arch, and the length of set battens comes from the stage width, and so on. The height of the arch affects the elevation of gridiron, and the height of the building itself ultimately. The number and length of the set battens are directly linked to the size of the winch room, and so is the number of the winches to the Mcc panel room. The 1st level gallery supplying power to lighting equipment needs to be wide enough for staffs to work with various equipments effectively and safely. Degree of practical usage of under-stage machinery turned out to be very low. In order to cut unnecessary waste and cost, the characteristics of the theater must get set first, and experts who know how stage works need to get involved in planning stage.