The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Characteristics of Numinose appearing in Jeongjeon of Jongmyo
Authors 조은환(Cho, Eun-Whan) ; 이찬(Lee, Chan)
Page pp.3-15
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Rudolf Otto ; Numinose ; Jongmyo ; Rationality ; Irrationality ; Apriority
Abstract Between various ideological experiences, such as spatial, artistic and religious experiences, a consistent and transcendental sense exists, which is difficult to systemize or establish, in all the senses human beings experience. It shows that the depth of essence may be much deeper than that of religion or science in limits of humans' thinking and experiences. On the premise that we need to rationally understand and systemize such a sublime experience, it is thought that we will be able to expand the system of our senses through a new approach breaking away from the previous concepts used to interpret a spatial experience. Rudolf Otto, a German philosopher and comparative religion scholar, explains such an essential sense through Numinose Theory. As his theoretical analysis and approach are used to explore the mechanism of such a transcendental emotion, which is impossible to express with such words as 'sanctity', 'sublimity' and 'reverence', from various perspectives, but intend to exclude dogmatic logic. Therefore, they seem to become new and useful tools in aesthetically understanding space design and objects of arts. Thus, this study aims to examine what value Numinose Theory has in the aspect of understanding space design, based on which this study intends to use the Numinose concept as a concept of interpreting 'Jongmyo Jeongjeon'.