The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Plan Characteristics of Shared Housing through the Boundaries of Shared Space - A Focusing on the case of Urban Area in Domestic and Overseas -
Authors 강수경(Kang, Su-Gyeong) ; 김용성(Kim, Yong-Sung)
Page pp.3-14
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Shared Housing ; Space Boundary ; Mutual Flexible Connectivity ; Variable Coupling Modularity ; Pervasive Multiple Separation
Abstract According to Plato's ontology, we lead our lives by establishing a relationship with others in the society. However in rapidly changing era, our lives was gradually moving towards personal tendency. Even for the relationship with family, not with others. Thus, awareness about owning properties has changed due to the sociocultural factors and increase number of single-person households. So in this study, the considerations for single-person housing were perceived through preceding research, and the elements making spatial boundary of shared housing were drawn to make rational space sharing based on the boundary with others and of the living environment. With overall analysis based on the spatial boundary features of planned shared housing, the plan characteristics according to the spatial boundary of the current shared housing is to be drawn and analyzed. Third, The expressive and structural features of spatial boundary as above appear with mutual flexible connectivity, And the result shows that the modularity was the highest. Among them variable coupling modularity of shows how it is possible to combine efficiently and variously the private and public spaces with regularity of 'space of optimal unit'. This study drew plan characteristics from more detailed space border of shared housing. Therefore, The basic framework of the characteristics spin for the cases that newly emerge later on.