The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Lighting Characteristics Appeared Exhibition Space by Richard Meier and Kuma Kengo's Works
Authors 고광용(Koh, Kwang-Yong) ; 김문덕(Kim, Moon-Duck)
Page pp.91-100
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Elements of Construction Space ; Richard Meier ; Kuma Kengo ; Light ; Directing
Abstract This study aims to comparatively analyze the characteristics of light expression shown in the exhibition spaces of architects Richard Meier and Kuma Kengo, who constructed the element of invisible light into visible forms within space, using diverse techniques and components. As for the methodology therefor, it was attempted to conduct theoretical consideration of light, to experience the spaces of light by producing diverse spaces with architectural space components, that is, space, form, material, structure, and color, and to find out what space characteristics are perceived by perceivers from the interaction of the components.As for the research scope, this study intended to identify the concepts and characteristics of light and compare light in spaces, focusing on works of Richard Meier who constructed functional and mechanical spaces based on Le Corbusier's architectural language in the West and works of Kuma Kengo who claimed regionalism architecture in the East. In particular, this study intended to comparatively analyze the methods of using materials according to the filtering of light that appears different between the two architects in case that light enters into their exhibition spaces, and the effects of light production that arise from the differences, thereby pointing out the characteristics of diverse light expressions within the spaces of modern architecture.On this, this study investigated methodological differences of the two architects, who are based on East and West thoughts, in expressing light in spaces in various forms through brightness and darkness, light transmission and shadows appearing according to the nature of light, and color and materials. It is hoped that this study will provide an opportunity for promoting better understanding about other architectural cultures as well as understanding the characteristics of light in exhibition spaces.