The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Characteristics and Direction of Spatial Composition of Shared Culture in European City Square
Authors 황미영(Hwang, Mee-Young)
Page pp.75-83
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Sharing Culture ; City Square ; Public Space ; Public Design ; Sharing Element
Abstract The cultural tendency based on sharing and cooperation, which has recently been a hot issue, accelerates throughout the world. This study began with a perception that a sharing culture is inherent in urban public spaces. This study aims to conduct a theoretical study of the sharing culture and to analyze the characteristics of the design composition of public spaces. This study selected squares in 16 European cities as cases for analysis. The results are summarized as follows:1)To analyze the design characteristics of public spaces in which a sharing culture is inherent, this study drew the shape and type of planes and sharing elements such as accessibility, symbolism and activity with the squares in the cases. 2)The shape of planes in the squares in the cases has been formed in close relations with the historic meaning and events of the area and the process of the construction of buildings surrounding the square. The squares in the cases were classified into seven plane types, and these squares have developmentally contributed to the formation of a sharing culture as a place for free participation and communication concerning social issues. 3)In the squares in the cases, the weight of road-centered access appears high, and in terms of the construction of human-friendly / environment-friendly infrastructure in the city or judging from the trend of the recent increase of pedestrian-centered plans for public space, it is judged that approaches with a high utilization rate of sidewalk or public transportation would be desirable. 4)Symbolic elements of the square become a device by which citizens can share the historic symbolism, along with artistic inspiration. In addition, by serving as an observatory from which people can take a view of the landscape of the city, it allows visual sharing of the entire city as well as the square. 5)A square is common pool resources in the community, and it is necessary to vitalize that in a direction of increasing the possibility of sharing, through the characteristics and methods of the composition of public design.