The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Bathroom Plan for the Impaired Elderly with Caregiver - Focus on the Size of Bathroom needed for Behaviours -
Authors 주한나(Ju, Hannah) ; 이현수(Lee, Hyunsoo)
Page pp.3-15
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Bathroom Design ; Bathroom Size ; The Elderly ; Caregivers ; Behaviour ; Wheelchair
Abstract The study on bathroom plan for the elderly who use wheelchair has been done continuously. However, the elderly's behaviour at the bathroom and consideration for the caregiver has been underestimated. In this perspective, the purpose of this study is to find out how much more bathroom size is needed for the elderly who use wheelchair and the caregiver based on their behaviours. The study method is as follows: First, behaviours which occur at bathroom were collected from the previous research. Second, the size needed was calculated based on the elderly and caregiver's movement. Third, the size of bathroom enough for the impaired elderly with caregivers was suggested. The room next to shower booth and bath tub should be expanded for the caregiver. In addition, the room beside the basin should be added as much as 600x600 to let the caregiver stand and support the elderly when they are needed to wash their hair. As a result, the size of bathroom should be at least planed as follow; 1.3㎡ more for type A, 1.5㎡ more for type B, 1.6㎡ more for type C, and 1.1㎡ more for type D. As the bathroom is the room that the elderly want to modify for their rest of the lives, the room should be reserved enough from the early stage of design, so that this will make the elderly be possible stay at the place until they want to stay.