The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Strategy of the Environmental Color of the Frontage Zone of Sidewalk for the Walkability
Authors 김선영(Kim, Sun-Young)
Page pp.12-20
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Walkability ; Sidewalk ; Frontage Zone ; Environmental Colors
Abstract After the『Landscaping Law』was enacted in 2007 Korea, national and local governments has been responding swiftly by seeking various methods. Seoul Metropolitan City and other municipalities have established『Seoul Coloring and Systematization』project, which analyzes and extracts the humanities, humanities and natural environments in 2007 as an opportunity to recognize the importance of environmental color. However, it is necessary to slightly supplement the color scheme created by the observer's concept. In this way, you have to find the color of the environment in a city where real life takes place. The city's environmental color has the concept of "walking" as the basic human behavior. Because the average speed is 4㎞, it differs from that of a vehicle that travels more than 60㎞ per hour. Also, most of the frontage zone is used except for special cases. Therefore the characteristics of the environmental color and frontage zone on the road side were concluded in this paper as Single Type, Connection Type, and Extension Type. In addition, the principle of environmental color of city was established by the change of texture according to space of time and the characteristics of urban scale, and new media characteristics were found in various interactions. The results of this study suggest an environmental coloring strategy for workability such as hue continuity, hue harmonization and integrated design.