The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Inframince in Contemporary Architectural Surfaces - On the Emergence of the Ornament in Modern and Contemporary Period -
Authors 박종현(Park, Jong-Hyun) ; 이영수(Lee, Young-Soo)
Page pp.68-79
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Marcel Duchamp ; Inframince ; Boundary ; Architectural Surfaces ; Ornament
Abstract The main purpose of this paper is to introduce 'Inframince' in modern and contemporary architecture. The Inframince(English: infra-thin) is a concept coined by Marcel Duchamp. The conceptual definition of the term "Inframince" by Marcel Duchamp replied that the notion is impossible to define, "one can only give examples of it:". It describes fine indirect perceptions of physical phenomena. Inframince is conductor of two dimensions into three, the essential dynamic in the practice of making space. Inframince is the interval between an inhabitant and their environment that both connects and separates. This study deals with the difficult situation how Contemporary Architecture represents itself over the 20th century modernity and asks the question how it presents its ornamentality. In order to analyse contradictory situation between self-referentiality and ornamentality in Modern/Contemporary Architecture we need to survey the historical process of changing position of ornaments and its meaning in time. The article also analyze the selected works of contemporary architects like Herzog & de Meuron, Jean Nouvel, to show that the trend reversal continues now more than ever. The Architectural surface must be a different kind of media that can communicate in different way with compared to conventional ornament. If we understand Duchmp's Inframince to be the provocation of the unuseful things, and if we interpret Contemporary fact that all specific Architectural Surfaces have been dissolved in timelines, it shows us post-trend of the Surfaces via conspicuous consumption or desire.