The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Modern Characteristics and Meanings of F. L. Wright's Winslow House
Authors 박형진(Park, Hyung-Jin) ; 우창옥(Woo, Chang-Ok)
Page pp.109-116
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Frank Lloyd Wright ; Winslow House ; Prairie House ; Residence Modernization
Abstract Prairie style houses in first stages of Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture activity pay a leading role in the process of house modernization as reflecting social and economic circumstances of the time based on traditional house style of the States. Wright's first work after retiring from L. Sullivan's office, Winslow house in 1983 is pioneering work predicting prairie house. This is because this house has only one modern architecture language of Wright and follow no style prevailing of the time. So, a researcher analyse Winslow house within the framework of functional thinking and new formative value creation in the modernization process of western house. Through this, The goal of this study is to find out modern characteristics and the meaning of Winslow house in modernization process prior to the 1900s. Firstly, the followings are modern characteristics of Winslow house. First, Winslow house has original planning breaking from custom based on modern functional and reasonable thoughts, and has practical space reflecting resident's inner demand. Second, Winslow house has modern new plastic value through original exterior breaking from custom and integrated shape of inner-outer space and structure. Secondly, the followings are the meaning of Winslow house in modernization process prior to the 1900s. First, Wright intend to suggest directions of residence modernization through Winslow house before designing Prairie style houses in earnest. Second, mixing of modern vocabulary and eclecticism show a sign of residence modernization process on the time. Third, inner-outer flowing space, opening space concept of Winslow house has innovative meanings predicting spacial characteristics of modern architecture.